Chord Ukulele My Situation - Noah

Untuk stel-an GCEA silahkan
Transpose ke F dan stel-an
standar Transpose ke C

[Intro x2 :] 
Am  G

Am                   Am
sadness in your tears, i'm fading in
Am               Am
my heart goes numb, awake in chains
Am                 Am                F
we tried to reappear, like fools rush in
this changing life we can't explain

[Int :] 
Am  G

Am               Am
to give you space to leave my place
Am             Am
as evening comes i leave no trace
Am            Am          F
no winters gone without a sign
              G           Am
i'm falling away into despair
can we keep holding on

[Reff :]
C         G
in my situation oo
Am               F
heart can't be free to love
C         G
in my situation
Dm            F
life is an empty dream

[Musik :]
G  Dm
G  Dm  F  Fm

Am              Am
oh this lovers kiss falls into abyss
Am              Am
like shattered glass we cannot last
Am             Am              F
how the story ends, we can't be tent
                 G            Am
we're crawling away into despair
can we keep holding on

[Reff :]
C         G
in my situation oo
Am               F
heart can't be free to love
C         G
in my situation
Dm            F
life is an empty dream
C         G 
in my situation uuu
Am              F
fears keep me hangin'
C         G 
in my situation
Dm             F
i can't keep holding on

[Musik :]
C  G  Am  F
C  G  Dm  F

[Reff :]
C         G
in my situation oo
Am               F
heart can't be free to love
C         G
in my situation
Dm            F
life is an empty dream

[Outro :] 
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