Chord Ukulele Bye Bye - Raisa

Untuk stel-an GCEA silahkan
Transpose ke F dan stel-an
standar Transpose ke C

C  G 
Dm  G 

C        G  
Hey girl you know you`re beautiful 
C                            G 
No Where`s that pretty smile that
you`ve been hiding for far too long 
C        G 
Hey girl you know you`re wonderful 
Dm                           Dm  
If he doesn`t appreciate you then
it`s time to say 

    C   G 
Bye bye..  
        C  G 
say bye bye..  
        C  G 
say bye bye 
If he doesn`t treat you right then  
       Dm            G   
who is he to stick around
just say goodbye 

C        G 
Hey girl you know you`re amazing 
C                   G 
Anyone who gets to love you
is one lucky guy 
C        G 
Hey girl you know you`re a queen 
If he doesn`t appreciate you
then it`s time to say 

    C   G 
Bye bye..  
        C  G 
say bye bye..  
        C  G 
say bye bye 
If he doesn`t treat you right then  
       Dm            G   
who is he to stick around
just say goodbye 

Em          Dm     F            C 
I won`t let anyone make me feel sad 
Em          Dm     F            C 
I won`t let anyone make me feel down 
C           Em     D   
I won`t let anyone make
me feel unhappy 
Em           Dm             F           
if you don`t treat me right then
it`s time for me to say 

    C   G 
Bye bye..  
        C  G 
say bye bye..  
        C  G 
say bye bye 
If he doesn`t treat you right then  
       Dm            G                  
who is he to stick around
just say goodbye 

    C   G 
Bye bye..  
        C  G 
say bye bye..  
        C  G 
say bye bye 
If he doesn`t treat you right then  
       Dm            G                  
who is he to stick around
just say goodbye 
Bye bye .. 

    C   G  C  G 
Bye bye..  
         C                  G 
Treat me right, treat me right baby 
    Dm       G 
Bye bye  Bye bye 


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